The degradation of reinforced concrete structures is generally caused by corrosion of the reinforcements (iron or steel) which are subject to humidity or other agents such as chlorides.
Concrete shattered due to the carbonation phenomenon. This is a slow and non-linear phenomenon over time. For a properly dosed concrete (350 kg/m3), the depth of carbonation is of the order of 4 mm after 2 years, 10 mm after 8 years, 20 mm after 25 years. These shoulders, structural damage and splintering on third parties are restored, after drilling and stripping, by adding a resin concrete.
Corroded exposed steels will be passivated by the application of a 3-component epoxy coating.
- Why this service?
The repair must restore a protective environment for the reinforcement:
- alkalin pH ;
- protection against water penetration ;
- covering thickness: 1 cm of repair mortar provides protection equivalent to 3 cm of ordinary concrete.
Monitoring the condition of your concrete structures is therefore essential: damage is not very visible on the surface. However, you must be able to be assured of the reliability of your installations and set up periodic maintenance to keep them up to standard for as long as possible. The risks for third parties are also important. We offer you numerous solutions to achieve this dual objective of longevity and safety.
- What is at stake?
- Safety: making access possible to dangerous structures (falling concrete splinters).
- Stopping the phenomenon of deterioration: ensuring the durability of the structure.
- Cost reduction: upstream treatment by monitoring (audits) before major works.
- Visual audits
- Measurement of damage caused by frost or carbonation.
- Definition of the areas to be treated, surface conditions.
- Control by rope access technicians.
- Control of the density of the concrete, sclerometric tests.
- Partial draining of surface concrete for analysis.
- Concrete tower drone flight, clichés.
- Definition of suitable means of access and work.
- Control reports.
- Study and installation of suitable working means in the area.
- Implementation of supply means.
- Implementation of protection zones.
- Drainage of concrete.
- High and very high pressure cleaning.
- Passivation of steels.
- Application of hydraulic mortar in successive layers.
- Application of resin paint.
- Control of expected resistances.
- Treatment of waste under BSDI.
- Assembly of daily intervention monitoring sheets.
- Photographic control reports, videos, product sheets.

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